Kaitlyn had her Girl Scout bridging ceremony tonight. She bridged from Cadettes to Seniors. Good job Kaitlyn.
Category: Announcement
Add ons to mail server
The new add ons to the mail server have been installed. I just turned on the activesync (how your device get mail/contacts/calendar) portion. You may be asked to accept security changes to your device. It should then resync automatically.
What does this do for you? You are suppose to be able to remotely wipe the device if you lost it. My button is showing greyed out so I will need to look into it. I have the ability to do it from the admin console if it comes to that.
What did this do for me? It removed an entire server I had running for the single task of sync mobile devices. Less admin stuff!
The other feature you will see, when I turn it on, is Chat. This chat is available from your web client. This helps me as I don’t have access to my mobile phone at work. This is simply an instant messenger client embedded into the web client.